Donate to NASCH
Please help us to continue this work for
disabled people.
NASCH was founded in 1965 to fulfil a need which still exists.
As you can see from our website, we are providing a service to disabled children and adults who, through our member clubs, are able to enjoy the benefits of swimming in a safe and friendly environment on a regular basis.
NASCH Clubs rely on the Group Public Liability Insurance which is organised and subsidised by the Association. This insurance is a requirement of all the swimming pools which are used by the clubs.
Our Regional Galas and the National Championship Gala are very well supported with about 500 disabled people who wish to swim competitively taking part annually. The Camping Holiday at Woodlarks in Surrey is the highlight of the year for many and you will see reports of this on the web site.
The Distance Award scheme is used by our clubs and is for all ages and abilities. We also provide a Water Skills Award Scheme which is also used by outside organisations, mainly Special Schools and Care Home for Children, as well as in our own clubs.
All our funding comes from voluntary donations for which we are very grateful. Please do support us – without your help all the good work which we try to do will be in jeopardy and we will not be able to continue our work for disabled people.
Please donate by bank transfer to NASCH sort code 40-52-40 account number 00095510. Alternatively, click the button below to donate securely via PayPal.